
Statistics: Vehicle Fire Causes

Cars By Fuel Type (2020) – USA

Fuel Type Percentage %
     1. Internal Combustion 62.7
     2. Hybrid (Partially Electric) 27.7
     3. Battery Electric 7.5
     4. Other 2.1

Source: Data from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Car Fires By Vehicle Type (2020) – USA

Fuel Type Total Fires
     1. Internal Combustion 199,533
     2. Hybrid (Partially Electric) 16,051
     3. Battery Electric 52


Fire Risk Recalls (2020) – USA

Fuel Type Number Recalled
     1. Internal Combustion 1,080,000
     2. Battery Electric 152,000
     3. Hybrid (Partially Electric) 32,000


Electric Vehicle Fire Causes

IDTechEx collated data from 96 EV fire incidents by Company. Many occur without an obvious cause.

Source: IDTechEx Research


University of Tennessee Study:  Electric car fires are more common than those in gasoline cars.

“The study found that electric car fires occur in 3 out of every 1,000 starts, while internal combustion car fires occur in 1 out of every 10,000 starts.

Electric cars are generally considered to be safer than gas cars, as they do not produce emissions that can endanger people. However, this study states that electric car fires are more common than previously thought.”

University of California-Irvine Study: “Electric car fires are responsible for approximately one-third of all car fires in the United States.”

This is significant because electric cars make up a relatively small percentage of the overall vehicle market.”